Texas Tech University

TTU Human Subject Training 1: Introduction to the IRB

The Office of Human Research Protection Program is excited to announce that it will be offering training sessions for faculty, graduate students and any researcher engaged in human subject research this summer. The sessions will be for five consecutive days. Attendees will have the option to attend all five sessions or choose which ones will better fit their questions and or their research needs.


Researchers who attend all five sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion for Texas Tech University Human Subject Training. However, they do not have to complete all five trainings in one semester to receive the certificate. They can attend different trainings throughout multiple semesters. For attendees that are unable to attend in-person, we will be providing zoom links to attend virtually: https://texastech.zoom.us/j/93004936516?pwd=OG5iSS85TmNlcVl1YSsrZERhSm5qdz09

Date: July 17, 2023 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM CDT
TLPDC Room 151
2802 18th Street
Lubbock, TX 79409
Room Location:


Available Seats: 36 of 50
Credit Hour: 0
April Ortegon
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